TVO values on balancing and assessing the business's success with protecting the environment (Environment), social responsibility (Social), including creating business growth with transparency and accountability (Governance) or ESG.
TVO places importance on conducting business with honesty, transparency, and integrity. To ensure effective corporate governance, a Governance and Compliance Committee has been established to develop practices, communication, and oversee operations efficiently, aligning with good corporate governance principles. In 2023, the Company conducted reviews of various policies, including Corporate Governance Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct, Human Rights Policy, Tax Policy, Disclosure Policy, Sustainable Development Policy, Environmental Policy, Water management policy, Energy Policy, Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environmental Policy, Related Party Transaction Policy, Anti-Corruption Manual and Whistleblower Policy, ensuring compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and business conduct criteria for directors, executives and all employees.
The Company evaluates the performance of chief executive officers, executives, and employees annually. Performance is evaluated based on: leadership, formulation of strategic plans, implementation of strategic plans, financial planning and performance, relationship with the Board, external relations, administration and personnel relations, succession plan, knowledge of products and services, and personal characteristics.
Performance in the short term covers the following indicators:
Performance aimed at building the company’s long-term performance and management capabilities and leadership capabilities that will affect the company’s long-term sustainability.
These achievements reflects returns for the Chief Executive Officer. There is a transparent and reasonable process for determining compensation. compensation consists of salaries and bonuses.
The company incorporates good corporate governance principles into its performance evaluation criteria for determining salary adjustments and bonuses. This includes compliance with the business code of conduct, organizational policies, and applicable laws, as well as active participation in promoting a culture of transparency, accountability, anti-corruption, and support for the organization’s sustainability goals. The evaluation process combines input from supervisors, peer feedback, and self-assessments to ensure a well-rounded and accurate reflection of each employee’s performance and commitment. Scores from these criteria are then used to fairly and appropriately calculate compensation and bonuses.
TVO supports conducting business ethically and transparently. Therefore, it has announced the adoption of the 'Anti-Corruption Manual and Supplier Code of Conduct' to establish honest practices in business operations. This ensures that TVO has appropriate measures in place to prevent corruption and enables thorough consideration and careful execution of business decisions that may involve risks.
In addition, TVO has assigned 'The Guidelines for Giving/Receiving Gifts, Souvenirs, and Hospitality' to ensure that giving/receiving gifts, souvenirs, and hospitality occurs with honesty, devoid of any expectations of benefits or favors, thus mitigating the risk of corruption. Furthermore, TVO actively solicits collaboration from its suppliers to adhere strictly to the Supplier Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, and No-Gift Policy. This is facilitated through the issuance of formal communications, including a 'Letter requesting your cooperation to refrain from accepting gifts' and an 'Invitation letter for suppliers to join the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC)' for employees to engage with suppliers effectively. This includes the preparation of a 'Report form for receiving gifts, assets, or any other benefits' emphasizing the significance of adhering to the No-Gift Policy and the Anti-Corruption Policy throughout all operational processes.
Communicating and educating employees |
Communicating with key suppliers both domestically and internationally |
Complaint Management | When encountering inappropriate behavior or contrary to ethical standards, actions that violate or fail to comply with the law include Code of Conduct, Company Regulations, Corporate Governance Policy, and Anti-Corruption Policy. TVO had channels for whistleblowers and complaints to allow stakeholders to express their opinions freely and report any illegal actions directly to the Audit Committee or the Internal Audit Office via letter, email, or the Company’s website ( |
In 2023, TVO was invited by the Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC) to participate in the CAC Change Agent project. The project aimed to expand the network of transparent businesses to supplier companies, co-developing the potential of suppliers throughout the value chain, showcasing a commitment to transparent management in accordance with corporate governance principles. This fosters confidence among all stakeholders. Suppliers expressing interest in joining the Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC)
In 2024, TVO was appointed as a CAC Change Agent, demonstrating its commitment to promoting and driving transparent and ethical practices within the organization. This includes policy formulation, fostering a transparent corporate culture, and organizing activities to raise awareness. Additionally, TVO has supported and encouraged businesses in its network to enhance anti-corruption standards, including persuading 6 partner companies to declare their intention to join the CAC under the SME Certification Program 2024. This recognition positions us as a trusted agent for driving sustainable change in the business sector, and received the CAC Change Agent symbol from CAC.
The number of complaint cases regarding business ethics (if any) investigated and confirmed is 0 cases
Reporting areas | Number of breaches in FY 2023 |
Corruption or Bribery | 0 |
Discrimination or Harassment | 0 |
Customer Privacy Data | 0 |
Conflicts of Interest | 0 |
Money Laundering or Insider trading | 0 |
TVO collected, prioritized, and assessed materiality assessment at least annually by considering factors crucial to business operations in the economic, environmental, social and human rights dimensions throughout the Company's value chain. This process involved assessment and prioritization based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting framework, as follows:
Materiality Issues | Business Impact | Business Case | Business strategies | Target/Metric | Progress | Metric linked to executive compensation |
1. Occupational Health & Safety | Risk | Effective Safety and Occupational Health Management can reduce the risk of accidents and incidents in the workplace. Conversely, ineffective safety and occupational health management can result in loss of life and property, interruptions in business operations due to damaged assets, legal penalties, and negative impacts on the Company’s reputation and credibility. The business interruption caused at least 36 million THB in revenue loss due to operational discontinuity or suspension of operations from high-consequence work-related injuries |
1.Determine Quality, Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Policy by communicating them to both factory and head office employees for awareness and implementation. 2. Establish a safety, occupational health, and environmental committee for the workplace. 3. Build a safety culture and support the adoption of safety and occupational health principles for implementation in operations to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations for all employees, as well as adherence to ISO 45001 standards (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) |
1) No work-related lost time injury continuous for 6,000,000 working hours within 2024 2) The TRIR value was lower than the industry average in Starch and Vegetable Fats and Oil Manufacturing (NAICS 311220), with a value of 0.8 |
1) No work-related lost time injury continuous for 3,678,544 working hours 2) TRIR was 0.47 |
- |
2. Efficient Resource Management | Cost | Effective energy management can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, increase business opportunities, and instill investor confidence. The utilization of renewable energy has been replacing fossil fuels over 85% of the total energy consumption per year, the biomass energy and the solar energy can reduce GHG emissions by 162,600 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. The result of solar roof installation in 2023 can reduce electricity cost 7.2 Million THB. Meanwhile, ineffective resource management can indeed lead to increased production costs and reduced profit potential. |
1 Optimize production processes and upgrade equipment for maximum energy efficiency. 2. Increase the proportion of clean energy usage to replace fossil fuel consumption. 3. Study innovations and technologies, aiming to reduce the carbon footprint per product. 4. Evaluate the risks and opportunities arising from climate change |
Reduce energy consumption in production by 2% from the 2023 baseline to 1.5 GJ/ton of soybeans by 2024 | Energy consumption in the production process: 1.53 gigajoules per ton of soybeans | Under corporate KPI, one of the CEO KPI is the ability to increase the efficiency of energy consumption, which leads to the compensation such as annual bonus The energy efficiency covers the use of electricity and stream which should be lower than 1.5 GJ/ton of soybeans by 2024 |
3. Talent attraction and development | Revenue | Talent attraction and development initiatives can contribute to organizational development in alignment with strategic objectives, thereby enhancing competitiveness within the business environment and operational efficiency. On the contrary, insufficient efforts in talent development and attraction may result in challenges retaining quality employees, production errors, and delivery inaccuracies. Such inadequate investment and management in human capital lead to the decreasing rate of HCROI (1.4 decrease compared to previous year) which can significantly impact a company’s revenue in several ways such as reduced productivity and increased cost resulting from new recruitment and training. | 1. Provide equal basic benefits and welfare to all levels of employees, compared to leading organizations. Additionally, there is a policy of hiring local people, which promotes job creation in the community. 2. Promote employee development by organizing training courses or activities related to each job position, ensuring continuous self-development among employees. 3. Create employee engagement to the Company by fostering a positive work environment and valuing employee participation and feedback |
1) Increasing the average training hours for employees at all levels to a minimum of 18 hours/person/year by the year 2024 2) Employee engagement level with the organization of at least 80% by the year 2024 |
1) The average hours training for all level of employees were 17 hours/person/year 2) Employee Engagement Rate was 61.27% |
Under the corporate KPI, employee engagement levels and the overall employee experience are key performance indicators (KPIs) for the CEO. The CEO's performance is evaluated on their ability to effectively manage, develop, and support employee talent, as well as their leadership in optimizing the recruitment process. |
Impact | Business Value Chain | Topic relevance on external stakeholders | External Stakeholder | Metric |
Efficient resource management can significantly reduce cost and material scarcity risks. Additionally, effective energy management and the use of renewable energy can help mitigate the impacts of climate change. | Operation |
[Positive ] Efficient resource management is significantly towards environmental protection in preventing and taking responsibility for the environmental impacts. TVO aims for reductions of the natural resources and the cause issues for surrounding communities, helping to mitigate environmental impacts from production processes, especially the clean energy usage to reduce the company’s GHG emissions. The utilization of renewable energy has been replacing fossil fuels over 85% of the total energy consumption per year, the biomass energy and the solar energy can reduce GHG emissions by 162,600 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year Additionally, the primary fuel source to generate steam energy during the manufacturing process derived from agricultural residues such as chaff and palm shells, replacing the fossil fuels by more than 60,000 tons per year. |
Output Metric
Effective Safety and Occupational Health Management reduces workplace risks, ensures business continuity, and builds confidence among employees, suppliers, communities, and government agencies | Operation And Supply Chain |
Safety and Occupational Health Management addresses workplace accidents and incidents impacting employees, contractors, and surrounding communities’ health and property. TVO fosters a safety culture by promoting safety awareness and careful work practices across value chain. The Quality, Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Policy, along with the workplace committee is established to ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and ISO 45001 standards. The safety awareness programs are provided to employees and suppliers. In 2023, 100% of total employee work in factory was trained by using OHS Program, and there were no fatalities in the last 5 years. The commitment extends to suppliers’ safety and occupational health management as one of key criteria in supplier screening and assessment. TVO has guidelines and collaborations support suppliers align with the Supplier Code of Conduct and standards. In 2023, 100% of new suppliers acknowledged and signed acceptance of the Supplier CoC. |
Output Metric
TVO recognizes the uncertainties that may arise from both internal and external factors, impacting the organization's goals. Therefore, the Company applies the COSO (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission) international standard framework for the internal control system, which has been enhanced to complement the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, known as the COSO-ERM Framework. This approach is implemented across business operations, addressing risk management in strategy, operations, finance, regulatory compliance, environmental and social factors, ethics and emerging risks, including risks and opportunities from climate change. This systematic risk management approach enhances the effectiveness of the business strategies.
Board of Director Level |
The Audit and Risk Management Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, is responsible for setting policies and frameworks for enterprise risk management, including defining the level of risk acceptable to the organization (Risk Appetite). This framework is proposed by the Risk Management Working Group before being presented to the Board of Directors for approval. The committee provides advice and recommends strategies for risk prevention and mitigation to ensure risks are maintained at acceptable levels. The committee evaluates risk criteria and scope, supervises, and supports effective risk management processes. It ensures that the company’s significant organizational risks align with its business direction, investments, and related or other businesses. Additionally, the committee delegates risk management tasks to the Risk Management Working Group and executives, monitors progress, and conducts regular follow-ups. The committee reports the results of its oversight and compliance with risk management policies to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. In the event of a significant issue that could materially affect the company, the Audit and Risk Management Committee must promptly report it to the Board of Directors for immediate consideration. |
Management Level |
The Audit and Risk Management Committee assigns the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to drive various policies from the Audit and Risk Management Committee to management-level implementation, establishing an organization risk and risk appetite, defining risk management processes and measures, as well as monitoring, reviewing and reporting to the board of directors and relevant stakeholders. In this regards the CEO appoints a 'Risk Management Working Group' with the Managing Director as the chairperson to developing a Risk Management Plan with operational risk owners. |
Operational Level |
Risk owners or risk coordinators such as head of production, head of marketing by products line, information technology manager, are responsible for developing a risk management plan, by analyzing, assessing and defining objectives and Key Risk Indicators (KRI), as well as establishing risk management measures (Mitigation Plan) covering the entire organization. They also set the organization's Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance levels at least twice a year and report operational results to the MD, a chairman of Risk Management Working Group, which reports to the CEO for acknowledge and propose to the Audit and Risk Management Committee, for ensuring that the risk management outcomes of risk owners align effectively with the plan. |
TVO implements enterprise risk management (ERM) in alignment with the COSO ERM: 2017 framework, focusing on identifying risks that may impact organizational objectives and integrating these with strategic management to ensure comprehensive risk consideration in decision-making. Internal controls play a critical role in reducing risk likelihood and enhancing operational reliability, while Business Continuity Management (BCM) ensures the organization can respond effectively to unexpected events and maintain uninterrupted operations. Internal audits evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management processes, ensuring risks are appropriately managed and aligned with organizational goals.
TVO employs a comprehensive risk management process to ensure that risks are effectively managed to achieve organizational objectives. It begins with Objective Setting, aligning risk management efforts with the company's strategic goals. Risk Identification follows, identifying potential risks that could impact the achievement of these goals. In Risk Assessment, the identified risks are evaluated and prioritized using a Risk Matrix to assess their likelihood and potential impact. Once assessed, the company proceeds with Risk Response, selecting appropriate actions such as risk mitigation, transfer, or avoidance. Control Activities are implemented to establish mechanisms to manage and reduce risks during operations. Finally, Monitoring is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of controls and the overall risk management process, ensuring that risks are continuously managed and the company remains aligned with its objectives.
The criteria for assessing the severity level of risks used by TVO is a 5x5 matrix. The severity levels of risks have 4 levels, where both management and employees can assess the likelihood of occurrence and the impact of risks by scoring from 1 to 5 as shown in the diagram below.
Level | Meaning |
Extreme (E) |
At a level unacceptable to the organization, requiring immediate action. Status: The risk is extremely high and may have no risk management measures in place, or existing measures are insufficient to bring the risk to an acceptable level. Management: The organization must implement additional risk management measures immediately through corporate risk management. |
High (H) |
At a level unacceptable to the organization, requiring immediate action. Status: The risk is extremely high and may have no risk management measures in place, or existing measures are insufficient to bring the risk to an acceptable level. Management: The organization must implement additional risk management measures urgently through functional risk management. |
Medium (M) |
The risk is at an acceptable level but requires close monitoring. Status: The risk is moderate and may have a potential impact on the organization. Management: The organization must closely monitor the risk. |
Low (L) |
The risk is at an acceptable level but requires continuous review. Status: The risk has a minimal impact on the organization. Management: The organization must continuously review the risk. |
Example of risk level determination
(In the fiscal year 2024)
Ensuring Production Continuity and Business Operations
Impact | Inherent Risk Level | Management Measures |
High |
Description: Our business operations rely heavily on computer systems and networks, including the internet, for diverse purposes such as database management, data exchange, stakeholder communication, customer outreach, advertising, and sales channels. We recognize the escalating frequency, complexity, and sophistication of cyberattacks, significantly heightening cybersecurity risks.
Impact | Inherent Risk Level | Management Measures |
The unavailability of critical infrastructure and software, unauthorized access or misuse of sensitive data, and potential damage to our reputation, trust, and public image. |
Extreme |
Description: The Company relies heavily on waterway transportation for key raw materials and has its production facilities located near a river. Maintaining normal water levels is therefore critical for uninterrupted operations. Additionally, new regulations related to climate change could significantly impact the Company’s operations and costs.
Impact | Inherent Risk Level | Management Measures |
1. Physical Risks (Floods)
Hight-Extreme |
2. Transition Risks (Carbon Tax)
Hight |
In addition, TVO publishes details of various risk factors, the impact that may occur, and management guidelines on Form 56-1 One Report 2023, Part 1-Section2: Risk Management, page 40-48.
TVO prioritizes comprehensive management throughout the value chain to ensure sustainable operations. This involves risk management that considers potential impacts on the business, the environment, society, and adherence to good corporate governance practices.
TVO is dedicated to establishing relationships with suppliers and developing work processes to create value for all stakeholders, a key chain to success in business operations. The Company believes that sustainable success must consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues by managing opportunities and risks in all dimensions of business operations. The results would lead to long-term value creation with suppliers and enhance competitiveness.
TVO aimed to achieve 100% acknowledgment and fully signing of the Supplier Code of Conduct by 2024
TVO announced the adoption of "Green Procurement" policy and set a target to procure environmentally friendly goods and services, aiming to achieve 50% of the total procurement volume from chemical and packaging suppliers by 2028, to support the goal of fostering environmentally responsible partnerships.
TVO Established guidelines for selecting suppliers and ensuring that there is a process for assessing suppliers to meet operational standards that cover human rights, labor, environmental issues, and anti-corruption, in line with principles of Economic, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices.
Soybeans serve as a vital raw material for the Company. TVO sources high-quality soybeans from local Thai farmers, which contributes to their increased income. These farmers primarily cultivate soybeans in Sukhothai, Kamphaeng Phet, Uttaradit, Phichit, Chiang Mai, and Khon Kaen. However, soybean cultivation in Thailand has notably declined since 2014, partly due to low yields averaging around 250-270 kilograms per rai. This decline has resulted in high costs and low or to non-profit, prompting farmers to abandon soybean cultivation in favor of alternative crops.
Recognizing the significance of supporting domestic soybean cultivation, TVO initiated a new soybean species planting experiment project. This project began with the establishment of experimental plots spanning a 24-rai area in Mae Taeng and Mae Rim districts of Chiang Mai province in late 2022, with harvests occurring in May 2023. The results from these plots showed that refining soil nutrient management and adopting spaced planting methods significantly increased soybean yields, surpassing the national average yield in Thailand.
In 2023, TVO continued its project, expanding it to include San Sai and Mae Taeng districts in Chiang Mai. This expansion involved 21 interested farmers, covering a total experimental cultivation area of 104 rai. The project aims to boost soybean production, motivate farmers, reduce cultivation costs, increase yields, generate additional income, and enhance the quality of life for soybean farmers, thus supporting sustainable livelihoods.
Regarding soybean importation from Brazil, America, and Argentina, global impacts such as volatile weather conditions and geopolitical conflicts have led to lower-than-expected yields. Additionally, disruptions in transportation routes have affected raw material logistics. TVO has closely monitored these situations, planning raw material procurement and risk assessments to ensure uninterrupted production and supply chain operations.
In 2023, as international travel restrictions eased, TVO conducted on-site inspections of soybean plantations in source countries. The objective was to evaluate the aspirations and capabilities of each raw material source, predicting environmental factors' impact on sourcing. The Company gathered information from analyses and research studies to plan procurement and began evaluating sustainability risks for suppliers based on reliability, emphasizing compliance with good governance principles and minimizing negative societal and environmental impacts. Additionally, TVO joined Sedex for ethical trade audits and became a member of the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS)+.
Environmental operations, the Company recognizes the importance of environmental protection in preventing and taking responsibility for the impacts that may arise from operations, both inside and outside. Therefore, TVO has established an “Environmental Policy” published on the company's website: to encourage the development of environmentally friendly production processes, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, systematically manage water, ensure the most efficient use of resources, and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems
Environmental management and operations are under the "Environmental and Social Working Group" or "ES Working Group," which selects a representative from each relevant department. This working group serves as the central unit for collecting environmental data from all aspects of operations, covering climate change, energy management, water management, and waste from production processes. These data have been targeted toward reducing resource usage both in the short and long term, mitigating impact of the production process, promptly responding to complaints, and informing the ESG management group of progress.
TVO monitors various aspects of environmental performance and reports them to the management team on a monthly basis. This process enables the identification of root causes and the implementation of improvements to ensure that environmental performance aligns with established targets. Additionally, TVO conducts regular internal audits on environmental aspects and impacts, covering both the company’s operations and related activities, covering 100% group-wide production-sites – TVO1 & TVO3*. These assessments are conducted in accordance with ISO 14001 standards and are routinely reviewed internally to ensure continuous improvement. Moreover, one of our production – TVO1 site has ISO14001 certification, accounted for 50% of total production sites.
*Remark: TVO has 3 operational sites, only TVO1 and TVO3 are production-sites, TVO2 is the warehouse operation.
TVO has set a long-term target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 and net zero emissions by 2060. This includes an interim target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by at least 20% by 2035, compared to the baseline of 2021, aligning with Thailand's and international goals. These actions aim to mitigate the impacts of climate change on the economy, society, and the environment.
Target | 2023 Performance |
Reduce energy consumption in production by 2% from the 2023 baseline to 1.5 GJ/ton of soybeans by 2024 | Energy consumption in the production process: 1.53 gigajoules per ton of soybeans |
Reduce non-renewable consumption to 15% | The portion of non-renewable consumption = 15.3% |
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 20% from base year of 2021 by 2035 | Greenhouse gas emission 46,015 tonCO2e |
Certify Carbon Reduction Footprint of Angoon 1 L by 2025 | In the process of reducing plastic packaging usage to lower the product's carbon footprint. |
TVO has achieved ISO 50001 certification, the global standard for energy management systems. This significant milestone underscores our commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability. As part of our compliance with ISO 50001, we conduct regular energy audits to identify opportunities for enhancing energy performance throughout our operations. The results from these audits are used to develop and implement a comprehensive energy conservation plan. Additionally, we place an emphasis on knowledge management by conducting energy conservation training programs for relevant staff, ensuring our team is equipped with the skills and expertise to drive best practices.
TVO began installing solar rooftop electricity generation systems in 2020. Currently, TVO has installed a total of 2 megawatts of solar power capacity, which has resulted in a total reduction of 2,600 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions throughout the project. In addition, in TVO is implementing an additional seven solar rooftop installation projects during the years 2024–2025. When completed, it is expected that the total electricity production capacity will exceed 8 megawatts, covering an area of 44,000 square meters. Furthermore, there are plans for continuous installation. This initiative represents another significant step toward helping TVO achieve the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
"Water" is considered a crucial resource in the production process, impacted by extreme weather events brought on by climate change, which have a significant effect on water users in all regions. TVO places emphasis on integrated water management services to prevent and mitigate potential impacts resulting from its water usage.
A key element of our water efficiency strategy is conducting a water balance to systematically assess water use. This involves:
As a consequence of consistently implementing over 20 projects related to the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) between 2022 and 2023, TVO has successfully diminished external water consumption by over 40,000 cubic meters annually.
We ensure that employees are actively engaged in our water efficiency initiatives through regular training programs, which include:
TVO’s comprehensive approach has led to a significant milestone: zero wastewater discharge. By utilizing treated wastewater for essential processes such as boiler scrubbers and cooling systems, we have eliminated discharge into external environments, contributing to resource conservation and environmental protection.
Unit | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | Target 2023 | |
A. Water withdrawal | Million cubic meters | 0.204493 | 0.182745 | 0.895464 | 1.263244 | - |
B. Water discharge | Million cubic meters | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - |
Total net fresh water consumption (A-B) | Million cubic meters | 0.204493 | 0.182745 | 0.895464 | 1.26324 | 1.180 |
Since the start of our operations, we have never experienced any water-related incidents, such as operational interruptions or plant closures, with substantial financial impacts (over $10,000) in the past four fiscal years. This reflects our strong commitment to effective water management and operational resilience.
Implementing water risk management guidelines is regarded as a business preparedness measure to assess impacts, develop mitigation plans, and ensure continuous business operations.
TVO has conducted a water risk assessment, encompassing issues related to drought, flooding, raw water quality, as well as legal risks, resulting in the development of risk reduction and management measures. For example, sourcing alternative water sources and installing additional equipment in the production process to alleviate drought and water quality issues and preparing a BCM (Business Continuity Management) Plan and an emergency response plan to mitigate flood incidents. All water-related risks are recorded in the organization's risk register, which undergoes periodic review and reporting of operational progress to the management level and stakeholders annually.
"Moreover, in 2023, TVO conducted an assessment of risks and opportunities related to climate conditions in accordance with the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) standards. This resulted in the company gaining an understanding of the level and long-term impacts of water-related changes due to climate change, which has led to further preparation and responsiveness to water-related risks in the future.
TVO prioritizes the management of waste generated from the production process, packaging, office support, and product usage by emphasizing proper management, alongside maximizing resource utilization in accordance with the principles of a circular economy.
TVO achieved the target of zero waste to landfills since 2020. This year, the company has achieved a 100% waste utilization target. For example, converting spent bleaching clay into fertilizer, utilizing bleaching clay with a high calorific value to produce blended fuel for alternative energy usage in cement kilns, and utilizing treated wastewater internally within the factory premises without any discharge outside the area.
More than 90% of the waste consists of chaff ashes from the steam production in the manufacturing process. In 2567, the New TVO1 project installed new steam boilers capable of using various types of fuel, resulting in a significant reduction in chaff ash production from steam manufacturing processes. Furthermore, TVO is currently studying the utilization of chaff ash as raw material in other industries. This includes projects aimed at exploring the creation of new products from chaff ash to enhance livelihoods and provide income for retiring employees.
To ensure effective waste management, TVO follows strict audit processes that comply with ISO 14001 standards. In 2023, TVO1, which accounts for 50% of production sites, was certified to the ISO 14001 standard. In 2024, TVO expanded the best practices from TVO1 to TVO3 by initiating internal audits to ensure waste management practices are fully implemented across all operations. These audits involve thorough inspections of all areas within our plants, conducted by a team comprising members from various departments.
The internal audits focus on several key areas:
These audits play a crucial role in ensuring compliance, identifying areas of significant waste generation, and uncovering opportunities for continuous improvement in our waste management process.
At TVO, we are committed to reducing food loss and food waste across all operations, including throughout the supply chain. Thanks to the efficient design of our soybean oil extraction process, we produce two primary products: soybean oil and feed ingredients, while achieving zero food loss in production. Additionally, by-products such as lecithin, soybean hulls, and crude degummed soybean oil are commercially utilized, ensuring optimal resource efficiency and contributing to our zero-food loss goal.
To further promote sustainability, we have implemented programs aimed at raising awareness among employees about food waste management. One such initiative involves repurposing leftover food from our dining facilities as animal feed. In 2023, this initiative successfully diverted 504 kilograms of food waste to animal feed programs managed by Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA).
These efforts demonstrate TVO’s dedication to establishing measurable and impactful programs that address food loss and waste while contributing to alternative uses, aligning with our broader sustainability goals.
In 2023, food loss and waste across TVO’s operations were measured and break-down by life-cycle state as follows:
TVO emphasizes the importance of managing the impacts arising from the production process and attending to complaints received through diverse channels. Additionally, the Company's establishment of a "Community Relations Team," responsible initially for coordinating with the community. This team will conduct household visits and promptly address various complaints, then coordinate with the relevant departments to solve the problem with the aim of minimizing the impacts from the production process. Finally, communicating back to the community to inform them of the results of ongoing improvement efforts undertaken by TVO.
In 2023, there were no formal complaints from the community regarding distinctive impacts from the production process, nor were there any complaints directed towards governmental agencies. Nevertheless, the Community Relations Team continues to engage in communication and field visits aimed at closely listening to feedback from the community and consistently monitoring potential impacts that may arise.
Standard | Data | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
GRI 307-1 | Number of Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations case (Paid significant fines (>10,000 USD) related to environmental issues) |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SET ESG Rating | Number of Environmental Complain | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TVO recognizes the value and importance of natural resources and the environment, particularly agriculture, which is a fundamental and upstream factor of its business. As such, “TVO commits to promoting sustainable agriculture and animal welfare for all business operations under TVO’s management”, as well as for its agricultural partners, business partners involved in animal farming, meat processing and the manufacturing of food products , as follows:
(Source : TVO’s Supplier Code of Conducts 2024)
Raw Materials | Certification or Accreditation | The Coverage of products Certified | Exposure of Product Certified | |
Soybean | ![]() |
RTRS | 0.0002% | 0.0002% |
Others: Moratorium and The U.S Soybean Sustainability Assurance Protocol | 99.3% | 99.3% | ||
Sardines | ![]() |
GMP Certificate issued by the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Government of Thailand | 100% | 100% |
TVO recognizes the critical environmental challenges posed by plastic packaging. As a leading producer of vegetable oil, we use significant amounts of plastic in our packaging, which compels us to take responsibility for reducing our environmental footprint. Guided by our “Sustainable Packaging Policy and Guidelines”, we are committed to adopting innovative solutions that balance functionality, quality, and sustainability, ensuring our packaging supports a healthier planet.
“TVO is committed to eliminating unnecessary plastic packaging, single-use plastics, and reducing the use of plastic materials in packaging to address plastic waste issues and lower the carbon footprint of products.”
Target : “Reduce the carbon footprint of our 1-liter soybean oil packaging by at least 2% by 2025 through reductions in plastic material usage.”
Packaging Materials | Coverage (% of cost of goods sold) |
Total Weight (metric tonnes) |
Recycled and/or Certified Material (% of total weight) |
Target 2023 (% of total weight) |
Wood/Paper fiber packaging | 100% | 1,991.57 | 43% | N/A |
Metal (e.g. aluminum or steel) packaging | 100% | 397.41 | 0 | N/A |
Glass packaging | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Plastics Packaging | unit | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
A. Total weight of all plastic packaging | tons | N/A | N/A | N/A | 2,753.93 |
B. Percentage of recyclable plastic packaging | % of the total weight of all plastic packaging | N/A | N/A | N/A | 99.7 |
C. Percentage of compostable plastic packaging | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0 | |
D. Percentage of recycled content within plastic packaging | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0 | |
Coverage | % of cost of goods sold | N/A | N/A | N/A | 100% |
TVO strived to develop packaging for vegetable oil bottles, vegetable oil boxes and animal feed meal packaging to support the goal of reducing the carbon footprint of the product level. We improved the 1-liter vegetable oil bottle size by consideration of the most efficient in the use of resources by reducing plastic pellets used 4 grams per bottle while still durable by reducing the number of plastic pellets to overall 350,000 kilograms per year, including canceling the plastic covering the bottle (cap seal) in a 1-liter of product, resulting in a total reduction of more than 26,600 kilograms per year.
Furthermore, we improved 1-liter vegetable oil boxes by decreasing their thickness and using recycled paper which reduced reliance on resources. These improvements were part of reducing the paper used by more than 70,400 kilograms per year, including developing animal feed meal bags that reduced the thickness of packaging, weaving thread from 80 microns to 60 microns, reducing the use of weaving thread resources by more than 12,517 kilograms per year while maintaining the durability standard, food safety, and ease of use.
TVO realized the importance of responsible consumption from the production process to the consumer. Therefore, we established the “TVO Oil Bottles Upcycling” project for employees both at the head office and the factory to participate. The goal was to create knowledge and understanding about the management of used vegetable oil bottles and PET bottles by correctly sorting them at the source and sending them to the recycling process.
At the beginning of the operation, all of the plastic bottles were transformed into “Coasters” to give as a New Year’s gift for the benefactor.
In 2023, The Company has been continuing this project, which was expanded to the “Office Waste Sorting Project” with 3Rs principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to promote proper waste separation in the workplace and raise the project to a complete waste sorting with the aim of creating a culture of proper separation of each type of waste from the source. The PET plastic bottles from the project are collected and processed into new products such as T-shirts from recycled fabrics and cloth bags, etc.
This project was reducing the plastic waste by managing it at the source, added value as new items from recycled materials and reducing the amount of waste and participating in driving the circular economy system.
TVO was continuously supporting communities’ engagement by creating a “Making Soap from Used Vegetable Oil Training” project with the goals to sharing benefits and harms as well as offering a guideline to making a new beneficial product. Furthermore, this project was reducing the amount of household waste. The process of making soap was simply for everyone do their own and can be useful of free time to make and also reduce household expense. Those who participate will be applying this skill to advance their careers.
TVO was cooperating with community enterprise Koh Lad E-Tan at Sam Phran district, Nakhon Pathom province to create a “ECO Flying project” under the concept of preserving and restoring the Tha Chin River to be clean and solve the problem of dense water hyacinth which obstruct the water traffic including creating sustainable self-reliable social in community. TVO had been supporting representatives of community to observational study at Nong Nam Sai Department of Non-Formal Education at Pha chi district, Ayutthaya province. Other than, TVO prepared machinery and other equipment to encourage the community to converting water hyacinth to create a benefit and environmental community.
“Water hyacinth leaves” bring to make eco-friendly food containers and selling to nearby cafés or restaurants. It is a biodegradable food container. TVO has a further plan to revenue-generating to communities by converting “Water hyacinth Trunk” into package cushioning. In the future, the plastic bubble wrap in the product packaging box will be replaced by this package cushioning.
Accordingly, this project has the potential to increase community income, and it is considered the starting step for social and environmental care with the main goal of “Together Sustainable Growth between TVO and Community”.
149 Ratchadapisek Road (Thapra-Taksin) Bukkhalow Thonburi Bangkok 10600
81/7 Moo 1, Tambon Thaiyawas Nakorn Chaisri District, Nakorn Pathom Province 73120
+66 2 477 9020
Human Rights
Human Rights
TVO has announced a “Human Rights Policy” outlining principles for conducting business to avoid threats, violations, and discrimination. Additionally, TVO has introduced a “Policy on Child Labor and Amelioration in Cases of Child Labor Found,” which addresses relevant employment sectors to ensure the prevention of child labor risks.
In 2023, the Company implemented Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) within the organization to identify and address HRDD issues throughout the value chain, ensuring that human rights violations are prevented. Moreover, the Company has established a welfare committee that acts as a central body for consulting on beneficial welfare for both employees and the Company. This committee reflects employees' opinions and suggestions, carefully considers all issues, and strives to maximize benefits for all sectors.
Safety and Occupational Health
Safety and Occupational Health
No work-related lost time injury continuous for 3,000,000 working hours within 2023 and
No work-related lost time injury continuous for 6,000,000 working hours within 2024
Internal Inspection
The company conducts assessments to ensure compliance and evaluate the effectiveness of its management system in accordance with the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System standard. This includes internal audits at least once a year and annual surveillance visits conducted by external auditors. The findings from these audits are used to implement corrective and preventive actions to continuously improve operational processes.
Incident Investigation
To ensure that the Incident Investigation process for workplace injuries, occupational illnesses, and various emergencies is conducted effectively—leading to root cause resolution and the prevention of recurrence—TVO has established procedures that align with the Safety Incident Information and Reporting Standard and the Incident Investigation & Analysis Standard as follows:
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The company has decided that workplace safety is a duty and responsibility for all employees, with the intention of fostering an organizational safety culture. Therefore, the Company has announced the Quality, Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Policy for the factory area, head office, and website. Additionally, the Safety, Occupational Health, and Environmental Committee of the Workplace have been tasked with monitoring and evaluating operations, as well as proposing improvement measures to prevent or reduce potential losses.
Employee Caring and Development
Employee Caring and Development
TVO promotes the continuous development of all levels of employee skills to adapt to ongoing changes in the business world. By promoting learning through both internal training programs and encouraging participation in external training, as well as fostering learning from real work experiences to emphasize continuous self-development among employees. An average employees training hours of 17 hours per person per year.
Compensation and Benefits
The company is committed to providing fair compensation based on performance, capabilities, and industry standards, with the aim of motivating employees and improving their overall well-being and quality of life.
TVO uses the living wage methodology from the Asia Floor Wage Alliance as a reference for calculating living wages. This methodology is applied to assess the wage levels of our employees to ensure they are paid a living wage.
Employee Development Programs
Lean Enterprise Project: Enhancing Business Processes and Employee Skills
This project aims to improve the company's workflows by making them more systematic, reducing errors and waste, and shortening operational timelines. It also focuses on creating standardized working systems that align with international standards. This project emphasizes the development of employee skills through training and the application of Lean principles in work processes. It helps enhance the staff’s expertise in efficient process management, increases competitive capabilities, and promotes employees' key roles in driving the organization towards its sustainable development goals and future vision.
Happy Workplace Project
The company has launched a project in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Promotion, aimed at developing the essential skills of employees to suit modern workplace demands, particularly skills for creating a balance between work and personal life (Work-Life Balance). This helps improve work efficiency, enhance employee happiness, and strengthen the bond between employees and the organization. The program uses the Happinometer as a tool for assessment, enabling the company to analyze and refine employee skill development plans in various areas effectively and appropriately. This year, the company organized training sessions and activities such as The TVO Traditional Football Project and the Virtual Run, Say goodbye to office syndrome and conquer stress (burnout), and Retirement Preparation: Good Finance, Good Life. These activities not only enhance employees' work skills but also foster a lasting connection between employees and the organization.
Employee engagement level with the organization
Type of Performance Appraisal
TVO has assessed the performance of employees in various ways as follows:
1. Management by objectives
TVO has a policy to provide fair compensation to employees at all levels, taking into account annual performance evaluations, employee potential, and the company's overall performance. In 2023, to set annual goals and targets for individual employees, the company introduced the Performance Management System (PMS) to enhance the efficiency of employee performance evaluations. This system aims to develop employee capabilities and encourage active participation from all employees in driving the organization toward success. Additionally, the PMS fosters motivation by helping employees recognize their strengths and areas for improvement, laying a solid foundation for continuous skill and capability development.
Frequency: Annually
2. Multidimensional performance appraisal
In 2024, TVO implemented the 360-degree feedback system as part of its employee promotion process. This system is designed to foster comprehensive development for both employees and the organization. It provides employees with the opportunity to receive feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement from various perspectives, including supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates. This approach ensures a more comprehensive, transparent, and unbiased evaluation process. Employees can utilize the feedback to develop their skills and capabilities effectively. The system also promotes an open organizational culture that embraces feedback, enhances team relationships, and supports precise and effective decision-making in employee development and sustainable organizational management.
Frequency: Twice a year
Employee Support Program
The company is committed to implementing various programs focused on promoting and maintaining the physical and mental health of employees. The goal is to ensure that every employee is happy and enjoys good physical and mental well-being, enabling them to perform at their full potential. These programs not only enhance employees' quality of life but also foster engagement and strengthen the bond between employees and the organization, contributing to long-term sustainable success.
In 2024, the company began to transform its work structure and provide benefits that better align with the employees' lifestyles as follows:
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Participation in Community and Social Development
Participation in Community and Social Development
TVO Promotes and supports employee engagement with the community by organizing various activities or projects aims at conserving and revitalizing local culture and wisdom, while focusing on developing the community for sustainable self-reliance. The “Community Relations Unit” has the duty of communicating with the community. For example, listening to feedback, suggestions, or concerns serves the purpose of preventing or solving problems that may arise from operations.
CSR - DIW Continuous 2023 Project
For the fourth consecutive year, TVO has participated in the CSR-DIW Continuous 2023 project. This initiative involved listening to and resolving community issues through collaborative forums with communities within a 5-kilometer radius of the factory. This year, TVO organized a workshop on making eco-friendly laundry soap from plant-based oils. The aim was to promote the concept of increasing value and reducing household waste, which aligns with sustainable social development guidelines. TVO provided equipment and sent representative employees to share knowledge about the drawbacks of used cooking oil, along with recommendations for its proper management.
Caring & Sharing Project: Sharing from the heart for a sustainable Thai society
TVO has continuously conducted the Caring & Sharing Project. In 2023, the Company focused on creating self-reliant community, encouraging local people to develop themselves in both life skills and professional skills. TVO took part in supporting education for school and underprivileged young, community well-being, reserving and celebrating the beautiful local traditions and emphasizing the value of community involvement. All these efforts were aimed at fostering coexistence in society and developing a sustainable quality of life. The example of this activity is supporting education to youth, supporting medical equipment and preservation of culture and tradition.
Customer Relations
Health & Nutrition
TVO's commitment on Health & Nutrition
TVO is committed to developing products that prioritize health and nutrition while effectively addressing consumer needs, aiming to enhance quality of life and promote long-term well-being. To achieve this, the company has established a Research and Development (R&D) unit with food science experts responsible for:
The company continuously monitors and evaluates the performance of its existing products by conducting laboratory comparisons against established criteria. Additionally, the company emphasizes customer feedback and incorporates suggestions into product development to ensure that its offerings effectively meet consumers' nutritional needs.
Product Labelling
The company prioritizes the accurate, clear, and comprehensive communication of product information to ensure that consumers can make confident purchasing decisions. Additionally, it provides channels for receiving customer feedback and complaints through its customer service center.
In 2023, 100% of soybean oil products included nutritional information on product labels, in compliance with the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The label also provides details of Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). The company also adhered to GHP and HACCP standards to enhance consumer confidence in the quality and safety of products manufactured through highly efficient production processes.
Nutrition Information
The label provides details of key ingredients and nutritional information in compliance with legal requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The label also provides details of Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) to show recommended consumption per serving.
Specific Information
The label provides additional information on production Standards, environmental certifications, and halal certification
Additional Information
The label provides information on usage instructions, storage Guidelines, and recommendations
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Customer Satisfaction
TVO prioritizes services that pay attention to every detail, fully addressing customer needs with products that focus on health and good nutrition, in order to enhance quality of life and support sustainable well-being in all dimensions.